my love

your existence make me smile everyday when the sun's up

Friday, December 11, 2009


Do you think that human beings “naturally” greedy?
Is greed so much a part of human biology that it will always shape human social life?

Peoples would argue that we have the instinct of desiring unnecessary things when we're born, and that what's human beings are, therefore they assumed that we have already have avariciousness embedded inside of us as soon as gain life.
However, many would oppose that theory and claim that human beings are born completely pristine and that they only develop their greediness due to their surroundings.
Some of them believe that human beings are all greedy simply because it's extremely difficult not to gain selfishness if you live in certain societies and envy what others have, therefore they desire more.
What do you think?

Talking about life!!
Life is about strive for your goals, aim the thing you want and achive it finally.
Once you reach your goal what's next...soon another goal will be come out automatically!!
Some people think of money is important, so they just try their best to get more and more no matter in what the way they get the money. Some people think that making money can become associated with pleasure just as surely as a bell can make a dog salivate, once the dog has learned that the bell means dinner.

Who will be our true friends?
When will you or others take off the mask permanent?
When can you really be who your origin self??

I' m not in the mood today!SO so blue! broken heart!
I got very down down down down down!!
I do deserve a pair of swollen eye tomorrow because I was crying the whole day.

1 comment:

Qwen said...

When a child is born into this world, he got no concept. Its the environment and up-bring that mold him into what he is. If he's being compare with frequently with other child by his parents, naturally as he grows up he would gauge himself among his peers. He may not be aware of it but subconsciously he is not comfortable with himself. If he was taught to love himself, then envy would not be in his vocabulary i guess.. oh ya..
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my prettiest cousin! December baby, sweet 19th!!